miercuri, 30 martie 2011


...pretty to look at, because let's face it we buy magazines to look at all the gorgeous pictures and see what new things they come up with- at least that's what i like to do (besides imagining me in all those pictures instead of the model)

First up - Vogue Paris april 2011 issue:
All white - instead of the color blocking frenzy they decide to go for an all white spread that i simply adore

Followed by a fantasy-cowboy-bandidas-bad-ass-chick type of spread that makes me drool (i'm a sucker for a kick ass female character):

And now let's have a little fun...Can you see the difference?

Vogue Australia april 2011

Vogue Mexico april 2011

Vogue USA april 2011

Apparently there is this new trend going around so quickly ladies grab a flowy dress and head on down to the nearest heating vent/subway or just grab a big fan and get to work.

Then we have Elle april 2011 issue that teaches us a little bit about how to color block + one of my favorite trends at the moment: bags in bright colors:

duminică, 27 martie 2011

Sugar and spice and everything nice...

Pentru ca a venit primavara si se simte, un outfit perfect care te face sa te simti bine cu fiecare privire.

Because spring is finally here and we can feel it with every fiber of our body = perfect outfit that makes you feel all warm and fuzy inside.

miercuri, 16 martie 2011

Outfit obsession...

Wishlist (are you paying attention Santa?)- that blazer,
                                                         - that bag
                                                               - those shorts

 Emma Watson filming a new advertising campaign for Lancome in Paris - filming in Paris wearing drop-dead gorgeous clothes...that must be hard - wanna trade??

Vogue around the world...

I'm not a big fan of Scarlett Johansson, especially the Mango campaign but there's just something fascinating about these pictures from Vogue China. I absolutely love the second one...sexy but also sort of broken- enough emotion underneath to make you think.

duminică, 13 martie 2011

Louboutin my love...

Christian Louboutin studded Rollerball Loafers-1095$
Fashion statement + a good weapon all wrapped into one (no pepper spray needed)...how can you say no??...but if you go through airport security i suggest you leave them home

And now some less expensive alternatives:
etsy.com - 140$

etsy.com - 150 $

modcloth.com - A Studding Friendship Flat - 111.99$

Or you can make them yourself, i think i'm going to try and see what happens.


   Cand spun Chanel ma gandesc la eleganta, stil si clasa, imi place tot ce tine de acest brand de la haine, parfumuri, genti si pana la cosmetice asa ca atunci cand am auzit ca va fi lansata o noua geanta, "Mademoiselle" am fost entuziasmata mai ales ca au ales-o pe Blake Lively ca ambasadoare si ma asteptam sa iasa o campanie geniala, insa....am fost dezamagita. Geanta nu pot sa spun ca ma atrage in mod special daca as vedea-o in magazin as trece pe langa ea si apoi dupa ce as fi vazut ca e Chanel poate m-as fi intors.

Pozele sunt mult prea inchise iar produsul nu iese in evidenta, mai mult se pune accent pe Blake Lively cand accentul ar trebui sa se puna pe produs. Daca nu as stii ca e o reclama pentru geanta as crede ca e doar un alt editorial cu Blake Lively, dar asta este parerea mea, poate sunt eu prea pretentioasa.

vineri, 11 martie 2011

I ♥ it...

Just something to throw on that makes you look sexy yet comfortable, chic and fashionable.Leather pants are in also that camel color is a must in every wardrobe.

miercuri, 9 martie 2011

Paint it black...

When i was little i liked to play with dolls but as an adult i've moved on from that (or so i like to think) and now i play with makeup. I remember when i used to ransack through  my mother's make-up stash and always end up looking like a clown, a proud one but still a clown. Now i like to think that i developed a little and i don't scare people when i go out wearing make-up.

I like the attention to be on my eyes so i think that this type of makeup will do just that...you'll hit a home run- looking pretty but also like a bad girl - dangerous but feminine ( + no thief will dare aproach you on an deserted street, this look and a scowl and you have the perfect weapon and you don't even need a permit).

Un machiaj de ochi cu fard negru pe toata pleoapa- la asta ma gandesc in ultima vreme, ma bucur ca pot sa experimentez cu diferite tipuri de machiaj si treptat sa invat. Machiajul a devenit "jucaria" mea favorita, inainte cumparam papusi si-i ceream Mosului noua papusa "Barbie", acum ii cer diferite produse de machiaj ca sa-mi diversific colectia. Asta dovedeste ca oricat am creste nu incetat sa cheltuim se schimba doar pe ce alegem sa cheltuim ( putina psihologie/filosofie pentru voi- eh eh a crescut nivelul blogului???)

 It looks good with light hair but also with dark hair, even  if you leave it loose or pull it back = WIN

Arata bine cu orice culoare de par, fie ca alegeti sa-l lasati desfacut sau sa-l prindeti departe de fata si in plus ca un bonus ( pentru ca mereu incerc sa ajut) te face sa arati mai periculos. O nota amuzanta: mergeti seara singure pe o strada pustie? Nu-i nimic, faceti un machiaj asemanator si mergeti incruntate va garantez ca nimeni nu se va apropia+ bonus geaca/cizme cu tinte = mai eficient decat un spray paralizant.( Ps. as fii cea mai tare la teleshopping).

There is a limit so make sure you don't overdo it, you don't want to look like you're miserable (or if you do go right ahead, i won't judge...too much)
(she's such a pretty girl too bad she tries too hard to seem tough) 

luni, 7 martie 2011

Milan Fashion Week....Or how Emilio Pucci stole my heart

Trebuie sa recunosc ca pana de curand nu am urmarit mai deloc colectiile Emilio Pucci si pentru asta o sa renunt sa mananc dulciuri drept pedeapsa o perioada o sa-mi plec capul de rusine. Am fost foarte placut surprinsa de noua colectie fall-winter2011, aceasta contine tot ceea ce iubesc de la designul hainelor si pana la gama de culori  (care m-a facut sa scot un sunet nemaintalnit pana acum si care nu va fi reprodus fiind prea umilitor).

After i saw these pictures i have to say that Emilio Pucci is on my favorite designers list. From the patters they used to the way the clothes are designed and ending with the colors fireworks started going off in my mind. I'm ashamed i haven't followed them until now.

  Pantalonii mulati si sacourile sunt pe primele locuri in lista cu haine must-have si ocupa un loc de  cinste in sifonierul meu. In colectia Emilio Pucci gasesc aceste elemente din abundenta si unde mai punem ca sunt si colorate...uhmmm...BINGO...Ka-ching( sunteti libere sa alegeti si alte exclamatii si onomatopee, the sky is the limit)....rosul, verdele, movul si albastrul sunt culorile mele preferate, iar  combinatia black-on-black m-a scos din cateva incurcaturi. Imaginea 4 reprezinta un mare WIN in cartea mea- ma face sa-mi doresc sa lucrez intr-un mediu bussiness doar ca sa pot sa ma imbrac asa in fiecare zi.

Hot pants- check, awesome blazers- check, colors to die for- triple check. This is exactly what i love about thin colection- it has my all time favorite items in fun colors to help you stand out on a nasty fall day. And the forth picture rocks my purple polka dot - with little bows socks. Would i like some of the clothes? Yes please. Would I wear them? Hell, I'll even sleep in them.

Rochile sunt sexy fara a fi vulgare, iar unele dintre ele ma fac sa ma gandesc la secolul 17, 18 mai ales partea de sus si forma decolteului.

The clevage of these dresses is amazing, it can accentuate even the smalles bust and the lace peeking through is a head turning, stare seeking heaven. 17th, 18th century shaped clevage meet the 21st century.

via Elle
Incep sa inteleg de ce Marilyn Monroe a ales sa fie ingropata cu o creatie marca Emilio Pucci. Multumesc celor care l-au indemnat pe designer sa treaca de la costume de ski la asa ceva.

I'm beggining to understand why Marilyn Monroe chose an Emilio Pucci dress to be buried in. Thank heavens he moved on from ski costumes to clothes adding his geometric prints in a kaleidoscope of colours to his creations.

duminică, 6 martie 2011

A sea of bags

De ceva vreme mi-a atras atentia o geanta pe care am crezut ca imaginatia mea hiperactiva ma face sa o vad peste tot, dar nu, ea chiar este peste tot. Dovada?

1.       Stradivarius - Two buckles stiff bag - 99.00 ron
2.       Zara - Plaited shoulder bag - 109.00 ron
3.       Pimkie - Brown bag -22.99 €
4.       Stradivarius - Small cross body bag - 99.00 ron
5.       Pull&Bear - Brown bag - 14.99 €
6.       New Yorker -  129.00 ron
7.       Aldo - Kreisher bag – 50.00$
8.       Zara - Shoulder bag with double buckle - 359.00 ron
9.       Stradivarius - Cross body bag - 149.00 ron
10.   Reserved - 199.00 ron
11.   Meli-Melo -  129.99 ron
12.   Mango – Liceo bag - 79.90 €
13.   Stradivarius - Cross body bag - 79.00 ron
14.   Zara TRF - City briefcase - 359.00 ron
15.   Aldo - Abaunza bag – 24.00$
16.   Aldo – Kreisher bag – 50.00$

1.       Asos.com - River Island Across Body Satchel - 66.34$
2.       Debenhams – Warehouse - Tan leather ring detail buckle satchel - 52.00 £
3.       Asos.com - River Island Canvas Flap Satchel - 66.34$
4.       Debenhams - Grey small 'Pam' satchel bag - 20 £
5.       Debenhams - Kangol-Black large satchel - 28.00£
6.       Debenhams - Purple large cut out satchel - 32 £
7.       Asos.com - River Island Cross Body Buckle Satchel - 53.79$
8.       Asos.com - ASOS Leather Traditional Satchel - 107.58$
9.       Debenhams – Oasis - Blue small tabby satchel bag - 17.60£

Geanta care mi-a declansat obsesia si implicit invidia (pe cele care si-o permit) este geanta "Alexa" de la Mulberry

Acesta geanta a fost denumita dupa modelul si fashionista britanica Alexa Chung, care dupa ce a fost vazuta in repetate randuri purtand o servieta masculina marca Mulberry- Elkington, i-a dat ideea directorului de creatie Emma Hill sa faca si o varianta feminina si astfel s-a nascut geanta"Alexa"(as fi vrut sa spun folosind bagheta magica din dotare si batand din calcaie de 3 ori, dar parea prea pueril- dar hell cand m-a oprit asta) care-i poarta numele celei care a fost muza, ca sa spunem asa. Trebuie sa recunosc, mi-as dori sa fiu in pielea Alexei Chung. Si o geanta cu numele meu ar arata bine, mai ales daca este si Mulberry, dar nu sunt pretentioasa, ma multumesc si cu Chanel, Dior, sau de ce nu Coach.

A da, si am si poze daca nu ma credeti pe cuvant:

Geanta Alexa a devenit o adevarata "It bag"...

vineri, 4 martie 2011


From this...

to this...

via weheartit
Imi doresc sa nu mai ninga pentru inceput, macar e ceva mai mic si mai realist. M-am saturat sa ma trezesc si sa descopar ca imediat dupa ce s-a topit zapada iar sperantele mele ca voi putea iesi din casa fara sa para ca as merge a Polul Nord au crescut, ca sa descopar ca a nins iar si iar si iar. Mai imi doresc si sa se incalzeasca vremea dar nu vreau sa para ca sunt lacoma...nu ca asta m-ar opri dar totusi...

I wish that it would stop snowing, i'm prepared to beg, i'll put my pride aside and i'll beg( i think i'm not the only one, imagine all of us in a circle or a square i don't judge, we'll put those "misa" guys to shame). I've had enough, i want to be able to go out withouth feeling like i'm doing a work-out at a gym fom carrying all those heavy clothes. People who are tired of winter/snow unite (i have cookies)...

joi, 3 martie 2011


via knight cat

In cazut in care nu v-ati dat seama de la folosirea punctelor dupa fiecare cuvant din titlu m-am indragostit de aceste fuste de cum le-am vazut( in sensul ca le-am visat de cateva ori, ceea ce eu consider un semn, da cand fac o obsesie de acest gen nu ma opresc la maruntisuri...nu critica , stiu ca si tu ai trecut prin asta) Un mod perfect de a-ti accentua talia si de a fi sexy fara sa arati prea multa piele. Un must pentru urmatoarea perioada. Da, voi avea una chiar daca va trebui sa invat sa cos si nu voi mai dormi pana nu-mi va iesi ca intr-una din pozele de mai sus- ce pot sa spun, ambitie sau superficialitate(thy name is me)....Fusta asta + geaca de piele neagra(bonus pentru fermoare/tinte) + plic snakeskin + unghii rosii + buze rosii.

I tend to overreact about certain things, especially about the ones that i absolutely, most definitely, i-would-swim-across-the-ocean-even-though-i-don't-know-how love, things that are giving me chills every time i look at them. If i had to choose to be a piece of clothing i would chose to be one of these skirts that's how much i like them- superficiality at its best. Raise your hand if you ever liked an article of clothing so much that you became obsessed, actually now that i think about it that's the definition of being a girl, but joking aside i want to know what make you wet( and i mean that in the most decent way possible, i have a dirty mouth/mind yes, but i'll try to reign it in).
I have an image in my head with these skirts and a short leather jacket (for a more casual look) and a snakeskin clutch, with red nail polish and red lipstick.