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Se afișează postările cu eticheta makeup. Afișați toate postările

joi, 22 august 2013

Make me up before you go go...

Because sometimes we need all the help we can get and if this means we get to have more time for other things in the morning bring it on. :)

miercuri, 9 martie 2011

Paint it black...

When i was little i liked to play with dolls but as an adult i've moved on from that (or so i like to think) and now i play with makeup. I remember when i used to ransack through  my mother's make-up stash and always end up looking like a clown, a proud one but still a clown. Now i like to think that i developed a little and i don't scare people when i go out wearing make-up.

I like the attention to be on my eyes so i think that this type of makeup will do just'll hit a home run- looking pretty but also like a bad girl - dangerous but feminine ( + no thief will dare aproach you on an deserted street, this look and a scowl and you have the perfect weapon and you don't even need a permit).

Un machiaj de ochi cu fard negru pe toata pleoapa- la asta ma gandesc in ultima vreme, ma bucur ca pot sa experimentez cu diferite tipuri de machiaj si treptat sa invat. Machiajul a devenit "jucaria" mea favorita, inainte cumparam papusi si-i ceream Mosului noua papusa "Barbie", acum ii cer diferite produse de machiaj ca sa-mi diversific colectia. Asta dovedeste ca oricat am creste nu incetat sa cheltuim se schimba doar pe ce alegem sa cheltuim ( putina psihologie/filosofie pentru voi- eh eh a crescut nivelul blogului???)

 It looks good with light hair but also with dark hair, even  if you leave it loose or pull it back = WIN

Arata bine cu orice culoare de par, fie ca alegeti sa-l lasati desfacut sau sa-l prindeti departe de fata si in plus ca un bonus ( pentru ca mereu incerc sa ajut) te face sa arati mai periculos. O nota amuzanta: mergeti seara singure pe o strada pustie? Nu-i nimic, faceti un machiaj asemanator si mergeti incruntate va garantez ca nimeni nu se va apropia+ bonus geaca/cizme cu tinte = mai eficient decat un spray paralizant.( Ps. as fii cea mai tare la teleshopping).

There is a limit so make sure you don't overdo it, you don't want to look like you're miserable (or if you do go right ahead, i won't judge...too much)
(she's such a pretty girl too bad she tries too hard to seem tough)