luni, 30 mai 2011

This is how the story went, I met someone by blew me away, it blew me away...

           I always like to look at pictures, not just because something looks pretty, but because it inspires me, it makes me want new things, discovers new worlds that blow me away. This is what happened with this particular picture, i always admired Celine handbags, but this picture made me absolutely love them. Great combination, gorgeous dress and to die for bag, tha color is perfect fo summer and taking into consideration that this particular outfit was aorn at the Coachella festival held in a dessert i think it's safe to say it is a multipurpose bag..perfect with any outfit...either you want to look young&careless ot you want to be more sofisticated I think this is definitely the way to go....with Céline bags of course, this is if you want some time off from Chanel, Louis Vuitton and Dior.
          Let me show you more:
              Céline Mini Shopper Grained Tote

            Céline Luggage Tote

               Céline Horizontal Cabas Tote

And now one of the best things since sliced bread...i'm kidding...but still one of the it bags for the last several months:

Céline Classic Box Bag

            Întotdeauna am simţit o atracţie mai aparte pentru genţi şi pantofi, poate şi datorită faptului că în general accesoriile transformă o ţinută întreagă dintr-una banală o face unică şi o scoate din anonimat. De fiecare dată când intru într-un magazin ochii îmi fug prima dată la genţi şi pantofi, şi nu doar o singură dată s-a întâmplat ca cineva să trebuiască să mă tragă cu forţa ca să plecăm şi să vizităm şi restul magazinului.
              Imediat cum am văzut prima poză pot să spun că a fost dragoste la prima vedere, şi nu, nu pentru fata, ci pentru rochie şi mai ales pentru geantă. O rochie simplă albă şi o geantă genială, cine ar fi crezut că aceasta ar fi ţinuta ideală pentru un festival de muzică ţinut în mijlocul deşertului. Am observat de mai multă vreme firma Céline, dar pot sincer să spun că această poză mi-a pus capac şi am devenit fană înfocată.

vineri, 13 mai 2011

P.S I love you...

One of my quirks is that I don't like my nails to look bad (that includes being out-of-this-world-I-aspire-to-be-a-witch long or if my nail polish is chipped) and I have to admit that when I meet new people or simply see someone on the street I do tend to look at their hands/nail and definitely might judge them on what I see. Because let's be honest, in the end everything you're wearing: from the clothes and colors you choose to the accesories and the way you take care of yourself and all the way to the way you style your hair speaks volumes, or more accurately screams what kind of person you are.
Here are a few of the colors I like to wear for spring/summer from 2 companies that I love- especially for the range of beautiful colors they come out with every year (also the funny names are definitely a bonus that puts a big smile on my face every time someone asks me what color nail polish I have on).

                                                             Deborah Lippmann:

1.      Yellow Brick Road
2.      It's Raining Men
3.      I Know What Boys Like
4.      Girls Just Want To Have Fun!
5.      Don’t Tell Mama
6.      Believe
7.      Boom Boom Pow
8.      Across The Universe
9.      Between The Sheets

1.      Call Me Irresponsible
2.      Lara's Theme
3.      Bad Romance
4.      Fashion

1.      Clambake
2.      Lapis Of Luxury
3.      Mint Candy Apple
4.      Master Plan
5.      Braziliant
6.      Mezmerised
7.      Absolutely Shore
8.      Merino Cool
9.      Vermillionaire

duminică, 8 mai 2011

"I still have my feet on the ground, I just wear better shoes.”- Oprah Winfrey...

My current obsession with this type of shoes started with this picture below (which concludes that looking at apparently harmless pictures on the internet can be dangerous/harmful for your wallet and cause severe seizures in your budget.)

So I started looking and looking and looking north and south bad weather be damned, I fought the forces of evil and with my nimble fingers and insane searching skills I found this (you can call me the fairy godmother of useful information):

1. - Asos Tragedy Leather And Stingray Wedge Shoe Boots - 150$ (yes these are the ones from the picture above...*I am queen here*)
2. - Asos Haze Ruched Strap Wedges – 45.00£
3. - Report Ethridge Elastic Jersey Wedge Sandals - 59.50£
4. - DV By Dolce Vita Toni Strapped Espadrille Wedge Sandal - 60.00£

1. - DV by Dolce Vita Pali wedge strapped zip back sandal - 65.00£
2. - DV By Dolce Vita Toni Strapped Espadrille  Wedge Sandal - 60.00£
3. -  French Connection Dahlia Platform Wedge Sandals - 110.00£
4. -  Dolce Vita Jianna Lace Front Espradrille Wedge - 84.00£

1.      Aldo – EVROANGE – 80.00£
2.      Aldo - RIXIE -  110.00$
3.      Aldo – SANTONE – 90.00$
4.      Aldo – HASKINS - 75.00$

1.      H&M – shoes - 29.99£
2.      Nine West – BRAXTON - 99.00$
3. - WARRIOR Black Ruched Leather Wedges - 68.00£
4. - Jeffrey Campbell - Take two wedge – 160.00$

1.      Forever21 - Andie Cork Wedges - 25.80$
2.      Forever21 - Leatherette Knotted Wedges - 22.75£
3.      Forever21 - Suedette Basketweave Wedges - 24.75£
4.      Forever21 - Strappy Leatherette Wedges - 26.80$

1. - Qupid Bikini 55 Black Pebbled Platform Wedges - 38.00$
2. - Dollhouse Strapped Black Stretchy Straps Wrapped Platform Wedges -48.00$
3. - Bamboo Driven 18 Grey Nubuck Platform Cage Wedges - 36.00$
4. - Restricted Cookie Blush Pink Leather & Cork Wedge Sandals - 69.00$

1. - Steve Madden - Cross-strap wedge –100.00$
2. - Not Rated - Strappy wedge -  45.00$

Here you go. Don't say I never gave you anything usefull. I've got mad skills, I think I should become a P.I...hmm, at least I'll have something to fall back on.

Din cand in cand mi se intampla sa fac o obsesie( mica si nevinovata) pentru un articole de imbracaminte/incaltaminte. De data aceasta obsesia a aparut cand speram sa fiu in siguranta iar portofelul meu se odihnea linistit dupa o lupta cranceza, in timp ce ma uitam pe unele poze parent inocente si cand colo....BAM...obsesia (vezi prima poza).
Asa ca m-am pus si am cautat in lung si-n lat, peste mari si tari netinand cont de vremea rea, am luptat cu fortele raului, iar in urma acestora datorita degetelor mele abile si impresionantei tehnici de a cauta pe internet am gasit mai multe alternative, dar ca sa nu fiu o fata rea (cred ca am demonstrat asta pana acum, dar sunt intr-o forma de zile mari asa ca o mai spun o data) m-am decis sa impart roadele muncii "seculare"(ce a durat cateva ore) depuse.

luni, 2 mai 2011

Color me green and blue and white...

...but animal print makes my world go round.
Here is the april Zara TRF lookbook...or the pieces that i like (because i'm selfish like that) enjoy...

Only one word colors ( lots and lots of colors).